Ask a Child to Run Your Business . . .

Photo credit: Kiana Bosman

Photo credit: Kiana Bosman

Recently, I asked my twenty-something daughter, “what would you do if you had to plan our business for tomorrow?”

Her answer made me take a hard look at the industry and our business. It made me consider the world my daughter, who has an active interest in sustainability, thought she was going to be living and working in.

Together, we are looking ahead, not far ahead, but right around the corner. At our core we are a transport energy and convenience provider, and we see massive headwinds: peak oil (ironically, demand-side); EVs; AVs; renewables; the urgent need for the sustainable; and shifting consumer behaviours. And with these headwinds, there are opportunities. 

However, we see a lack of leadership among SMEs: fragmentation where there should be unity; reaction when there should be vision intelligently and practically applied; superficial concerns for “localness” when it is really the shared values of community that matter.  

It is a matter of our endurance that the Rennic Group has continued to meet these moments of truth with a clarity of purpose. With the support of my wife (business partner) and now our daughter, we have taken the time to realign our thoughts on how our business interacts with the social structures, the environment, technology, and commerce we see coming. We believe the answers to a sustainable future lies at a community level.

Our purpose is to support our communities, by future-proofing business.

Our purpose is to support our communities, by future-proofing business. In our case that starts with our core, driving sustainable transformation in the petrol and convenience industry through data, innovation and experience.

To achieve these goals the Rennic Group are aligning our unique combination of knowledge across Data, Distribution, Retail and Development, to deliver a new model. Not just for the Petrol and Convenience industry, but for all small businesses across Australia who understand the importance of Sustainability and Community. 

In over fifty years of life, and thirty years of business, I have come to understand that when taking the next steps there is a requirement for adventure in our thoughts and courage in our actions. Thanks to the support of many individuals and companies over those years, I have also realised a community of thought and purpose is required for momentum to take hold.

Today, the group is engaged in projects across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria with many more to come. We hope that we can interact with your community through our group of businesses. Be that serving you, employing you, investing with you or just understanding your point of view.